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Some Happy Faces

Eventually, after two decades, I decided to pursue my childhood hobby and finally enjoy my passion for chess without interruption while my little bundle of energy was busy playing, exploring and learning on his own with the Scholar Bee Early Learning Kit.
I highly recommend this homeschooling kit.

Dr. Manjula V. James (Veterinary Pathologist & National Chess Player)

Mother of Milan Jeett (4.5years)

Corona has forced us parents to don the role of teachers... Scholar Bee Early Learning Kit has been a great assistance and a boon for working parents like me......I am convinced that the various products in the kit will ensure all round development of my son.

Arun Shukla

Father of Cheeku (5 years)

I have found Scholar Bee Early Learning Workbook and Kit to be a one stop shop for all my homeschooling needs!!!

Highly Recommended.

Nidhi Bhandari

Mother of Ahaan(6 years)

Being mother of two pre schoolers, I was really worried when the pandemic hit us...The Scholar Bee Early Learning  Kit has been a great help for parents like me.....Waiting for more such products from the team.

Preeti Saini

Mother of Rehat(6 years) and Mehtab(3 years)

The Scholarbee Early Learning Workbook and kit has helped my child to develop her all round skills......specially fine motor and communication skills.....The monthly schedule given in the workbook has been a great help for planning her study routine.....It's an excellent homeschooling kit .Wish I had something like this during my elder daughters pre school years.


Mother of Anupama(4years)

The Scholar Bee Early Learning Workbook and Kit has been a perfect support for me at home.It has helped me to give extra practice for my child over and above the school curriculum..The supporting craft material saved me the hazzle of arranging these Knick knacks

Neha Khanija

Mother of Ananya(5 years)

I was searching for long for a work book which goes in sync with the school curriculum and at the same time gives my child that extra edge and confidence
The extra craft materials are very very unique and effective too...
Kudos to Busy Bee for coming out with something like this..
It's indeed a great support for parents.

Divya Dutta

Mother of Ambika (4 years)